Lawless Women of History

Lawless Update

Annie & Alisha

Hello Lawless listeners! We’ve got some changes coming to our program that we’d like to announce, but first we’d like to say THANK YOU – to our families, our friends, and you, our amazing listeners. We truly appreciate every one of you for downloading our releases and sharing our little project with your peers. Your continued interest in our show has kept us going. So thank you for being YOU! 

While we enjoy making these episodes, doing a podcast can be taxing on our team, especially since this is not our full-time job. With this in mind, we have decided to restructure the show. We’re doing away with our seasonal schedule and will be releasing episodes at varying intervals, ideally once a month. This will give our researchers, script writers, and producers more time to create and develop our episodes! However, we here at Lawless won’t be going radio silent – instead, our team will be working on developing additional projects and expanding into other platforms! In the next month, we’ll be releasing our very own website! Woohoo! After that, we’ll be getting our YouTube up and running, and in the meantime, you can join our Archivist on Twitch when he is researching and writing episodes. You can also find us on TikTok and watch as our hosts struggle to figure it out. All joking aside, we’re excited to start this next leg of our journey, and thank you for sticking with us. [If we want to provide examples] Annie is learning TikTok, and will be spearheading a new series of short form stories. Our archivist has started another series, called Framing the Narrative, a short historical preview for our curvaceous criminals.  

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